FAQs How to place an order? If you love our hair products, please send us a message about your order details via”Contact” form, or email us directly at munhair.express@gmail.com What is the shipping cost? We do offer expedited shipping at the cost of customers’ expense and estimated delivery costs/time vary depending on which kind of service…
Category Archives: SUPPORT
Shipping & Delivery Policy We provide various types of delivery worldwide, depends on your preference. It will take approximately 3 business days to process your order since we receive your request and send your confirmation regardless of the shipping option selected. We will ship out the package as soon as we receive your payment or issue an…
RETURN / EXCHANGE & REFUND POLICY All our products are made of 100% natural human hair. Bundles of hair comes from individual donors, we cannot 100% guarantee hair color or texture. We will, however, make best effort to match your order to meet your desired requirements. In case of non-conforming to the quality, we are…
Order Process Please follow the steps below as our suggestion for your orders Search for your products at our Product page ( https://munhair.com/shop/ ) Select your final one and send its name with detailed description ( texture, length, color…) to our email info.vinahairs@gmail.com or call our Hotline +84 929 155 818. You can also contact…